Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Using ZoomIt 1.0 to draw free-hand on the Vega's desktop screen

Sometimes, software upgrade is NOT "Good News" to someone like me.

To use pen input for drawing or writing free-hand on the Vega's desktop screen in various colors, "Zoomit" is an awesome utility by Mark Russinovich . [See screenshot above]

It might take a minute to get used to the ZoomIt Options and hotkeys but once you master that, it's fun all the way. Try this sequence - Ctrl+1 (to zoom the screen), Ctrl+2 (to change the mouse into a screen pen), and finally move the pen pointer across the screen and see the magic. If Zoomit has been updated to V1.52, you can also press "r" to change pen color to red ink (b for blue, g for green, y for yellow).

Zoomit 1.0 offers customizable Pen Color, and erase with escape, not by pressing "E"( impossible task for Vega). Since Vega without full qwerty keyboard, version 1.0 is the only rirght one.

But Google, Yahoo and Live Search returned no result for "Zoomit 1.0" because it's no longer available. Now it's a little hard to find the old version 1.0 of Zoomit.

ZoomIt v1.52: The only way to Change the Pen Color is KEYBOARD INPUT.

ZoomIt v1.15: From this upgrade, erase by perssing KEY "E", not escape.

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